Thursday, February 17, 2011

Re: 轉移"注意力過度集中" Part2 From:財喜

Dear Mr. Cheng;
Simply just want to share this discussion.
Excessive concentration could cause harder to pull out from problem?
May i said it is more link to attachment, the stronger the attachment to certain issues, the harder to pull out from trouble.
If your concentration is lacking, then attachment could bring you into trouble. The attachment from previous cases is the main raw material of trouble. Current occurrence is the spark to cause ignite the fire of whole trouble.
Our mind can keep anything as feeling, picture, altitude, or anything you can mention. Not all feeling is truth all the time. For example, our feeling toward ice cream may differ from nowadays. During our young time, ice cream may be our most precious thing because it's the most happy thing to have that time, but when grow up, we afford to buy it easily, then the feeling is differ from young. So, do not always trust those memory always true.
If you believe all memory is true and never change with time, then it is going to trouble you. And this will cause the attachment become stronger until it ruins your life. No matter it is happy or sad memory, just leave it (放下) when you feel it or see it. Only then, you can free of trouble. This is what we said: 放下屠刀,立地成佛.
Believe that all our experience is just experience. No matter sad or happy. Leave it, and do not put citation with those experience because it'll be your memory for whole life. Living is not just memory, just live as you want. If you want happy, live happy life not happy memory.
Ah Hee

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